Senate Bill 24-159, the measure that proposed to phase out the oil and gas industry starting in 2030, and greatly impacting Weld County and the northern Colorado region, was defeated last night by the Senate Agriculture, and Natural Resources Committee after hours of testimony. Greeley Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Jaime Henning, and Upstate Colorado President and CEO Rich Werner testified on behalf of the NCLA conveying significant concern about the impact such ill-conceived policy would have on our community, our economy, and the state at large.
- Jaime Henning Testimony
- Rich Werner Testimony
Jaime and Rich were joined by Weld County Commissioners Kevin Ross, Scott James, and Perry Buck alongside Fort Lupton City Councilman Carlos Barron, Platteville Mayor Adrienne Sandoval, individuals who work in the industry and our community members, all conveying the significant harm that would come to them and their communities from SB 159, including an impassioned plea from Commissioner James.
- Weld County Commissioners Testimony/Committee Questions (Audio starting at 4:49:40)
- Commissioner Scott James Testimony (Audio Starting at 4:51:44)
We’re grateful for the leadership shown by Committee Chair Dylan Roberts (D-Eagle County) , State Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer (D-Weld County), Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen (R-El Paso County) and Senator Janice Marchman (R-Larimer County), all of whom deeply queried the motivations of proponents. Each chose to vote against 159 resulting a 2-5 vote spelling the bill’s defeat.
While we are grateful for the defeat of SB 159, the NCLA doesn’t rest easy with the knowledge that there are numerous other legislative proposals that target Northern Colorado, our industries individuals, and communities, many of which are as insidious in their effect and impact as SB 159, and which we also strongly oppose.
SB 24-166, SB 24-165, HB 24-1330, HB 24-1339 propose to ban oil and gas operations during summer months, increase fines on industry by 17,000 percent; tie up air permitting in unnecessary red tape; and change air rules negotiated just last year. All are damaging, unnecessary and overreaching swipes to industry in the name of air quality despite the remarkable investment and progress the industry has taken to ensure Colorado produces the cleanest molecule in the world from oil and gas.
Thank you for your engagement on SB 24-159. You were part of the reason for the bill’s defeat and we encourage your continued engagement on the remaining issues as we enter the final six weeks of the 2024 legislative session.
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